The local Strawberry Festival is
an annual event where everyone gets together and helps out. The date of
this popular event depends upon when the strawberries are at their ripest
and best. Community members donate collectibles, good used household items,
handmade crafts and quilts for the yard sale and auction, helping to raise
money for the fire hall. You can find anything from books and dishes, to
refrigerators and stoves at this huge yard sale. The youth group helps
out by running games for the young ones, such as the sucker pull and fish
pond. At the end of the day there's a supper of homemade dishes, sweets,
and, of course, strawberry shortcake. The supper is always a favorite,
and the strawberries are donated by Wood's Strawberries of Raynardton.
Please check with Wood's for current times and dates. |
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South Ohio, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia
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