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Council 2181, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia Canada If any youth of the area are interested in these or other activities
please contact:
Brother Mike Daley
For more information: Contact Council 2181
Building Leaders for the Future Today's youth, the leaders of tomorrow,
are looking for a challenge, for responsibility, for faith and trust. Yet,
despite their commitments and dedication, the youth of the world are often
condemned because of the uncontrolled actions of a minority of young
people. As Knights of Columbus, it is our responsibility to provide youth
with the means and the opportunities to become personally committed and
involved in meeting the challenges of our times.
COLUMBIAN SQUIRES Development of leadership in the Catholic young man is the main objective of the program. In the Columbian Squires, Knights serve as counselors to Squires circles in order to draw out the leadership talent of the circle’s young men. Columbian Squires circles are sponsored by either a Knights of Columbus council or a Fourth Degree assembly. Basic requirements for a circle are at least one enthusiastic, dedicated counselor and 10 Catholic young men of Squires age. The official age range for Squires membership is 12 to 18 years old. Link: Squires Newsletter YOUTH GROUPS Council 2181 is involved with the Catholic Youth Ministry (CYM) program in our area, and supports Big Brothers/Big Sisters Knights of Columbus sponsors Free Throw Championship (pdf) basketball program for boys and girls between the ages of 10 and 14 and had students participate in district and regional events. Also in the development stage are soccer events. EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS Knights have purchased educational materials for local sunday school programs, as well as giving university scholarships to members and their dependents are sponsored by local and Supreme Council. Knights of Columbus Substance Abuse Awareness Poster Contest. The contest's goal is to encourage the creation of thought provoking slogans and visuals by young people for their peers to promote awareness of the dangers of substance abuse. RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES
SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Included in this is our annual banquet and bowling for the youth involved in service to the church, alter servers, readers and youth choir |
For more information on these topics refer to Program Manual (pdf format) |
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