Shaping the World Around
Wherever we live, whether New York or
British Columbia, we all have our own perceptions of “community.”
Usually, these perceptions are formed by the concrete reality of the world
immediately around us. It may be a bustling metropolis, a town, a tiny
village, a large county, a broad rural area. It is the place we call home
— with all its good and bad features, its beauty and ugliness, its strengths
and weaknesses. Every individual has a voice in shaping the world around
him, and every individual can make that voice heard. Make your voice heard
in your community. No matter what you choose get involved!
The Knights of Columbus
Day of the Unborn Child observation held annually on the Feast of the Annunciation
(March 25). On this event Knights, Squires and their families should pray,
fast and work to restore respect and protection to the child before birth.
Also consider sponsoring events to support pro-life organizations and/or
promote the respect life cause.
Promote and support the Order’s
pro-life efforts by displaying materials featuring the theme, “Defend
Life.”• Distribute the Church’s teachings on the sanctity of life as
outlined in the Study Guide to Evangelium
Vitae (The Gospel of Life) . The guide has been prepared by the Knights
of Columbus for groups and individuals who wish to become more familiar
with the Church’s teaching on the respect due human life as presented by
Pope John Paul II in his 11th encyclical, Evangelium Vitae. Resources from
K of C: Statement
on Life and Recommended
Pro-Life Links.
The nature and urgency of
this threat should not be misunderstood. Respect for the dignity of the
human person demands a commitment to human rights across a broad spectrum:
"Both as Americans and as followers of Christ, American Catholics must
be committed to the defense of life in all its stages and in every condition."
The culture of death extends beyond our shores: famine and starvation,
denial of health care and development around the world, the deadly violence
of armed conflict and the scandalous arms trade that spawns such conflict.
Our nation is witness to domestic violence, the spread of drugs, sexual
activity which poses a threat to lives, and a reckless tampering with the
world's ecological balance. Respect for human life calls us to defend life
from these and other threats.(S) |
There is a growing need
for volunteers to find and implement the solutions to society’s problems.
These volunteers make an important difference in our world. Rally the other
organizations in your community to work with your council in solving community
problems. Recognize outstanding volunteer efforts within your own council.
Following a council event, present a certificate of appreciation to those
members who made the activity a success by donating their valuable time
and talents. Participate in the National Day of Service established by
the National
Fraternal Congress of America. “Make a Difference Day.” Information
is available through the “Make
a Difference Day”.
Assist those in need of
housing. A roof over one’s head is a fundamental right. Raise money to
support homeless shelters and low-cost housing. Help renovate and repair
buildings to house the needy. Support efforts to help the homeless help
themselves, find jobs and take their place in society. Defeat hunger
— an ever-present reality for millions around the world. Food banks and
soup kitchens rely on volunteer manpower. Donate your council’s services.
Also donate food or conduct food drives in your council and community.
Start a community garden, with all the produce grown to be donated to local
community groups or agencies helping the needy. Remember, people are hungry
every day of the year, not only at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Support
groups that deliver meals to homebound people such as Meals on Wheels programs.
For more information contact the group providing the service in the local
Find out what your
community has in recreational and cultural opportunities. Ask yourself
what it lacks. Study what you can do to upgrade, strengthen, support and
encourage sound programs of recreation and culture for the people of your
community. Promote penal reform. Help convicts help themselves. Write
letters, make visits, help the families of inmates, offer to teach prisoners
any special skills you have, encourage local businesses to consider hiring
ex-convicts. Show pride in your country by displaying the flag properly
at council meetings, patriotic events, community wide programs. Distribute
Supreme Council literature and decals promoting flag use and patriotism.
Use the opportunity to also encourage all Third Degree Knights to reach
their fullest potential of Knighthood by joining the Fourth Degree — the
patriotic degree.
Plant trees. The destruction
of the earth's forests is one of today's greatest environmental hazards.
Organize tree planting projects and help ensure that your trees survive.
Organize clean ups of parks, beaches, empty lots and neighborhoods. Sort
the trash you collect into recycling categories and bring it to a recycling
center. Recycle all the items that you can. Collect newspapers for reuse
in pulp-making; save deposit bottles and aluminum cans for redemption;
contribute toys, furniture and clothing to charitable organizations instead
of throwing them away.
Host a Blue Mass to honor
law enforcement officials and firefighters. The event should include a
time for fellowship with the “blue knights” and programs explaining to
them the spiritual and material benefits that come from membership in our
Order. Use this Mass as an opportunity to present your council’s “Firefighter
of the Year” and “Police Officer of the Year” honor to deserving individuals.
Be sure to consult their chaplains and pastors when planning this event.
Take a stand against drunk
drivers — the number one killer on highways — and work toward getting the
drunk driver off the road. To find out more about what your council can
do, contact your local or state police department or the National Council
on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence.
Focus public attention on
heart disease — a leading cause of death, but a disease for which the risk
can be decreased. Bulletin boards, newsletter articles and public forums
should highlight National Cholesterol Education Month in September. A high
blood cholesterol level is one of the three major modifiable risk factors
for heart disease. Also encourage people to learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation
— the procedures for use in case of cardiac emergencies. Local heart association,
Red Cross or other health authorities may be able to help you plan appropriate
public information events. Do everything possible to help the sick. Visit
patients in the hospital or provide transportation for family and friends
to visit. Help a hospital patient take care of those things he or she can’t
— at home or at work, with children or relatives, with merchants or creditors.
Provide the same types of services for homebound patients.
Get involved in stemming
the flood of pornography engulfing our communities. It is essential that
concerned citizens be aware of the magnitude of this problem and become
part of the solution. Report violations of community standards to
those responsible for enforcing the law. Every citizen complaint must be
investigated. Complaints to the authorities are the most effective single
action a citizen can take.
Make direct personal complaints or petition-type complaints to store owners
or theater
operators who display or
sell obscene materials. Send letters to newspaper editors, radio and television
station managers, objecting to offensive advertising for “R” and “X” rated
motion pictures.
Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs
is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are the meek: for they shall posses
the land.
Blessed are they who mourn: for they shall
be comforted.
Blessed are they that hunger and thirst
after justice: for they shall have their fill.
Blessed are the merciful: for they shall
obtain mercy.
Blessed are the clean of heart: for they
shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they
shall be called the children of God.
Blessed are they that suffer persecution
for justice' sake, for theirs is the kigdom of heaven.