Date: 10/2/2009
Name: Deanna Harrington
Location: Fredericton,NB
Comments: Was born in the "old Yarmouth Hospital" in 1961.Still have
lots of family in Yarmouth co.Reading all the 'Posts'brought back so many
memories.I moved to the Annapolis Valley at age 16,have been living in
NB for about 8 yrs.
Date: 10/4/2009
Name: John McDonald
Location: Halifax, NS
Comments: The family 'homestead' is 71 Cap La Ronde Road, D'escousse,
first owned by my Grandfather Thomas McDonald, now owned by my mother Marjorie
McDonald (married John McDonald, now deceased). Haven't been down in few
years, due to mother's poor health (she's 83). Great to see the photos.
Thank you - great website. (Link:
Date: 10/6/2009
Name: Kevin Michael Kelly
Location: Boston,MA 01915
Comments: I am looking for my cousin who has lived in or around Yarmouth
for several years. Her name is Marie Smith Lane and lived
in the Boston area (Back Bay)in late 80's and 70's. Would like tofind her
after all these years. Any help you may provide would be great.
Date: 10/8/2009
Name: Richard B. Shive
Location: Bound Brook, New Jersey
Date: 10/11/2009
Name: Delphis Surette
Location: Citrus Heights, California
Comments: My Grandfather Joseph Delphis Surette was from Eel Brook.
Moved to Boston area early in 20's I believe. Later moved to California
in the late 30's. Recently retired, I am hoping to get up there soon.
Date: 10/12/2009
Name: Marie
Location: pei
Comments: Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! All of us who know and love
Yarmouth and the County Villages are thankful for that beautiful gift.
I wish a bouquet of Sand Beach sweet smelling wild roses to everyone! We
enjoy this amazing website!
Date: 10/14/2009
Name: halloween san francisco
Location: Moscow
Comments: Fantastic work!. Have Happy Halloween!
Name: Leonard Deveau
Location: Gretna, Louisiana
Comments: My Grandmother Edith came from Surettes Island (my spelling
may be off). I visited yarmouth on my honeymoon in 1973.
Date: 10/15/2009
Name: mandb
Location: the post office
Comments: hehahe we rok cause we live in melbourne
Date: 10/16/2009
Name: marie
Comments: One of the best aspects of Yarmouth is its architecture, those
beautiful old houses built by early settlers, mostly seamen and merchants,
no doubt. The highly skilled builders knew about the kinds of trees
to use for ship building and for building these fine old homes that we
marvel at throughout the town of Yarmouth and County.
when I have visited relatives in the area and had the car to myself for
an hour or so, I would drive slowly around the quieter back streets in
Yarmouth and marvel at the architecture, the details, the uniqueness of
each place, wondering who built each one, who lived there, what their life
was like there, and the history that went with each of these stately monuments
to our past.
I have done this kind of contemplating in other cities and towns, especially
up the Valley way, but my heart leaps more joyfully when I study our own
heritage in the town of Yarmouth.
An Architectural Look at Yarmouth (LINK:
Date: 10/17/2009
Name: kelly
Location: Charlote NC.
Comments: I can't wait for me to live in Canada
Date: 10/18/2009
Name: Gerald J. Surette
Location: Mt. Laurel, NJ
Date: 10/20/2009
Name: Debra Chapple
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Comments: My maternal grandmother was Verna Gavel Raynard (married Barber).
I have many fond memories as a child being in the Tusket Falls, Raynardton
area and visiting her relatives like Frances Nickerson. I am trying
to recall on maps exactly where my grandmother's house stood. It
is a beautiful peaceful area from my recollections.
Date: 10/20/2009
Name: Natalie Crosby
Location: New Minas, NS
Comments: Happy to see the October page begin. I check often hoping
to find an old friend, or a new one.
Marie from PEI.... your remembrances of Sand Beach are great.
Date: 10/21/2009
Name: Charlene Hanf
Location: Forest Glen
Date: 10/23/2009
Name: Wayne LeBlanc
Location: Yellowknife, NT
Comments: I would like to see an update on some pictures of the lake
and the dam since the the Gardiner's Mill dam has been rebuilt. I would
more than happy to send the few that I have that were sent to me recently.
Please tell me where to send any pictures, or better yet, whoever is in
charge of this web site could go see it for themselves and take their own
Regards, Wayne LeBlanc; property owner in the area.
you have pictures please send theem to and I will
put them up at .
information or stories I will also try to get added
you Wayne
Date: 10/23/2009
Name: marie
Location: pei
Comments: Thank you Mr G. LeBlanc for the site “Architectural look at
Yarmouth NS.” This is a site I will relish studying for a long time, and
repeatedly. Seeing these amazing buildings with their stately architecture
brings back worlds of memories, feelings, and good things.
I still see the colors of stained glass as I walked slowly past some
of these places in the 1930s, also the neat hedges, rose bushes, decorative
touches on the houses, soul-stirring widow’s walks, and so much more.
This virtual tour today heightens memories of other places my brother
and I saw after school while sauntering down Main Street from St Ambrose
before we attended Sand Beach school.
Along that route we passed the clothing shops of the Starrs and of
the Nichols family-- Sam and Peter-- took our time outside the windows
of Teddy Wagner's (Teddy, it was often said, had been "gassed during the
first world war" and I always wondered what that meant)--then Vickery's
candy shops, stopped in to say hello to Harry and Annie MacKinley in their
book stores, till they sent us on our way, past Joe Pink’s and then on
down past Aunt Carrie Doucette's at 44 Main, next to an old cemetery which
was such a fascination!
Down past Utleys and “Ollie” Atkins, and down over the railroad track,
past Mr Bushell's, Stoddard's, Grandpere's, and on down to home, where
we were always late arriving.
And so on, what memories! Marie
PS: Thank you Natalie , glad you enjoy the old-time
Date: 10/24/2009
Name: Linda Muise
Location: Surette's Island
Comments: live here all my life
Date: 10/25/2009
Name: Pieter and Laurynda Masee
Location: Galahad Alberta
Comments: looking forward to moving to Upper Wedgeport in 2010,
enjoyed the site
Date: 10/26/2009
Name: marie
Location: pei
Comments: Edith Cavell Goodwin
In 1937 my mother had a “maid’ or “servant girl”. That is what
mothers’ helpers were still called in those days. I’m not sure what these
workers are called nowadays. I never did take to the term baby-sitter because
I would have to be able to imagine that first! Who was ever able
to ‘sit’ while having little children around!
... Continued at .....
Date: 10/26/2009
Name: marie
Location: pei
Comments: Edith Goodwin liked to sing while working around the house.
I remember her ironing and singing:
"South of the Border, down Mexico way, that's where I fell in
love when stars above came out to play," etc.
I loved to hear her singing that song. Sometimes shen she finished
singing another song such as Blueberry Hill or another, I would ask her
if she would sing "South of the borr, dear."
Date: 10/27/2009
Name: Dan Crowell
Location: Winnipeg Manitoba
Comments: Wow Home Sweet Home
Date: 10/27/2009
Name: Florence Doucet
Location: Hebron
Comments: Thrilled to fine this page! I grew up on Grove Road, the 'old'
green bungalow, "saved" the picture. When I was there it was the "2nd house
on the right" - that was a long time ago! Thamk you for the interesting
trip back through Overton.
Date: 10/27/2009
Name: marie
Location: pei
Comments: Many thanks to Anne Beattie for posting many wonderful pictures
houses, family homes, in Rockville where some of our relatives used to
live. I can imagine my cousins of a very long time ago possibly living
with their large family in the house number 056. I enjoy seeing those
old derelict-looking houses because they don't have much time to tell the
avalanche of stories they could tell if they could speak! How sad
to see them in their final stages, but what a gift to be able to still
see them just as the are.
Thanks Anne, a sentimental friend,
Date: 10/27/2009
Name: Florence Doucet
Location: Hebron
Comments: You can't think how much I enjoyed your discription of growing
up in Sand Beach! The teacher, Mr. Lawrence Doucet became my father-in-law!
I grew up on Grove Road and so enjoyed the discription of Overton also.
Date: 10/27/2009
Name: Florence Doucet
Location: Hebron
Comments: Wish there were better pictures. The 'flood of 2004' was nothing
compared to the flood of 1954. (I think I have that right!) My in-laws
lived on the river bank on the Elli Doucet Rd. My father-in-law was Lawrence
Doucet (school teacher) Mother-in-law Adele M. Doucet.
Date: 10/27/2009
Name: Florence Doucet
Location: Hebron, N.S.
Comments: Looking at "Lake Milo" and the boat club. I remember
when there were 18 sail boats moored there. And when the lake froze over
in the winter (and it used too!) several of the "sail" owners used ice
boats to continue their sport. The Main Street bus (run by Trefry's Garage)
used to end it's run at Milo, with a 10 minute stop before continuing down
Main St. to Sand Beach.
Date: 10/27/2009
Name: marie
Location: pei
Comments: Anne Beattie, I love to see all those new houses in Rockville,
not only the very few old ones that are still standing. Your submissions
show growth and evidence of many new families, modern homes, all beautiful
to enlarge on the computer screen and to study for their individual beauty!
Thanks again Anne. marie
Florence Doucette, (my cousin, really --if we should check it out) well,
I thank you so much! And you must have been the lucky girl who charmed
one of the very bright sons of Mr Lawrence Doucette of Quinan! he used
to tell us about him once in a while, to encourage us to work a little
I alwsys wondered what his wife's name was, so thank you for telling
us you are a daughter-in-law and the name of your motherin-law.
I know that their oldest son was in grade eight when he was only twelve!
My husband and I stayed in a camper down the end by the water, in Quinan
in the late 1990s. We drove through Quinan's narrow, hilly and winding
road, back and forth, slowly, sometimes on bright sunny days, other times
in familiar thick fog, visited the cemetery, almost trembled with awe as
my husband and I prayed at the grave of my former teacher, Mr Lawrence
Doucette! We stopped at the Eli Docuette road a few times, wondering who
Eli was, and marvelled at the peaceful beauty of all of Quinan! God is
Date: 10/31/2009
Name: Alice d'Entremont-Cote
Location: Massachusetts
Date: 11/1/2009
Name: Stephen J Surette
Location: payson arizona
Comments: grandfather Mark Surette migrated from NS
Date: 11/2/2009
Name: Elizabeth
Location: Florida
Comments: Hello I've been researching my family tree, I grew up in Yarmouth
and still have family there but am looking for more info then they can
provide. My Great, Great Grandparents Felix Muise(died before
1956), Married to Seraphine (Sarah) 3-5 children. I am looking
for more information of their family line. As well as for My Great Great
Grandparents Albert John Doucette married to Elise (Muise)I
believe they had 6 children. I believe they are all from the Quinan area.
More info on my grandfather Richard Pothier (born around 1930's)
married to Florence, he died around 2003. Any assistance would be appreciated...
Please email me....
Date: 11/4/2009
Name: Linda Lou (Comeau) Hicks
Location: Charlton,Ma., United Staes
Comments: I have Family in Yarmouth + Cheggogin and who
knows where else. I have family in N.S. that I have never met and Aunts
and Uncles that I don't even Know. I have been there with my Husband and
met my Uncle Sonny who I could never forget , and his wife Anne and his
Sons. Aunt Mary came for a visit as well. Its a very nice place. I hope
to go back for a Visit and look up my Family tree. I am the oldest daughter
of Edmond Joseph Comeau Jr and Agnes Louise Harrington. They
have both since passed on. My mom has 1 sister in Toronto. My Dad on the
other hand had 13 sisters and brothers and I can only remember a few. Uncle
David lived Marlboro Ma. and has also passed. They were Two brothers always
together every chance they had. I have fond memories of them as child.
Uncle sonny of course,and Aunt Mary.
Missing are Susan,Vickie,Thelma,Helen,Carl,Bill,and Raymond.
These names only add up to ten. I am missing some names and know some
of them have also passed on. I hope to go back to N.s. in the next couple
years to do some research and look up and meet missing Family.
Uncle Sonny I'll be calling you!!! (gotta find your phone#)
Linda Comeau Hicks
Date: 11/5/2009
Name: Joshua (George) Gavel
Location: Victoria,BC
Comments: I am writing to inquire about possible relatives in Gaveltown.
My Grandfather's name was John Gabriel Gavel and he married Eva Amero.
Of their seven(?) children, my mother was their youngest daughter, Margaret
Mary. Before having their family, my grandparents settled in Marshaltown,
outside of Digby. As their children grew and married, some gravitated to
Centerville, on Digby Neck. It is here that I have located a number of
my cousins and their families.
History suggests that our ancestors arrived in 1876, (from Dutch/German
roots) in New York and were offered farmland in Yarmouth NS. They came,settled
and eventually moved up the coast to what is now Gaveltown. I don't know
if John Gabriel was from Gaveltown....I hope so and that I/we have a connection
to the village!
Does anybody recognize my family? I changed my first & second
name at age 20...from George Edward to Joshua David. I understand that
there have been a long line of George's in our family. I was raised in
foster-care(in Halifax)and being the free-spirited child that I was, I
chose to take on a name of my choosing.
Looking forward to hearing from any family out there...
Joshua Gavel
(George Gavel)
Date: 11/5/2009
Name: Del Surette
Location: Citrus Heights, Calif.
Comments: Please remove posting listing my email. I have been
getting numerous request from "women" who would like to get to know me
comment; The only other email I got from you that I could find was in 2004.
The Email address has been removed.
note that this spam is not generated by this site. I have even recieved
the same email. put it with the rest of spam mail. sorry for any
Date: 11/5/2009
Name: Audrey Deveau
Location: Barriere, B.C
Comments: Yes, its me. (Audrey Deveau (Pinkney)......Hello everyone
in Nova Scotia, especially Hebron.
Date: 11/5/2009
Name: Audrey Deveau
Location: Barriere, B.C.
Comments: Hello everyone in South Ohio... We always remember our
home place.
Date: 11/6/2009
Name: johan Van Rhee
Location: almonte
Comments: This is an very usefull site, but can you tell us the mid
span clearance under the surrette island bridge since we are considering
moving to this area but having a 40 foot sailboat seem to pose some problems
for the local realtors.
many thanks
My guess is about 4 feet at high tide... but you
can go around. You will love it here.

Date: 11/6/2009
Name: Nelson Allen
Location: Elliot Lake ON
Comments: Not much to tell.Alvin Hatfield was my step-father
Served in the RCAF during WW 2 Moved to Ontario in 1947
Now retired and live in Elliot Lake
Would like to hear from any old friends
Nelson Allen
Date: 11/6/2009
Name: Robin Hubbard
Location: Pasadena, Maryland
Comments: Annapolis MD
While the vessel 'Dawn Raider' out of Marklys Marina in Essex, Md. was
fishing for Striped Bass (also locally known as Rock Fish), this
Great White was hooked in the mouth but only resisted slightly for 15 minutes
before it came up alongside the boat to have a look; long enough for one
of the crew members to slip a rope a round it's tail !!! 'And that's
when things heated up!!
.. The Shark took off towing the 42 foot fishing boat backwards
through the water at about 7 Knots. Just like in JAWS, the boat was taking
on water over the stern and the crew watched in horror as the shark would
actually jump completely out of the water at times. This went on for an
hour before the shark finally drowned. She weighed in at 1035 LBS. It is
suspected she followed a weak El Nino current into local waters in search
of food. Although mid 60 degree water is considered ideal for these
sharks, the larger ones can tolerate water in the low 50s.
This is the email sent to me by my aunt. I was scared to ever
go in the bay again til I found this site. Attached were the exact
same pictures from nova scotia. thanks
Since 2004 a shark from yarmouth has become
an urban legand world wide
Check out 5 years of records at
Date: 11/8/2009
Name: Charlene Saulnier
Location: Boston , MA
Comments: Beautiful place wedgeport - place of my grandmother's birth.
Dad spent summers there and we grew up visiting. It means so much to me
now to be able to be going back and my son truly loves it too.
Date: 11/8/2009
Name: Charlene Saulnier
Location: Boston , MA
Comments: I can not go to Richard rd without spending time @ Pinkney's
Point- one of the most beautiful places on earth
Date: 11/13/2009
Name: Doris Crosby Mercer
Location: now live in Osgoode, Ontario
Comments: "HOME" to me is still Port Mitland - no matter where I live!!
Date: 11/14/2009
Name: marie
Location: pei
Comments: Here's an easy traditional recipe --for Christmas and year-round--
from down home in Yarmouth County:
1 c white sugar
3/4 cup shortening
1/4 cup molasses
1 egg (slightly beaten)
2 cups flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp soda
1 tsp cloves
1 1/2 tsp ginger
Make into medium size round balls, arrange these on cookie sheet, then
press each one down gently with the bottom of a glass or bottle dipped
in some white sugar.
Bake in moderate oven,about 350f -- 10 to 12 minutes or so.
Our Grandmere, mother and aunts used to make these, and they never last
long here at our place either! marie
Date: 11/15/2009
Name: John L Porter
Location: Brantford Ontario
Date: 11/15/2009
Name: `Joe Muise
Location: Lower Wedgeport
Date: 11/17/2009
Name: Andre Benoit
Location: Biarritz
Date: 11/18/2009
Name: Marilyn Moon
Location: Perdue, Saskatchewan
Comments: Hi, I am looking for Judy McCormack...would have graduated
from Yarmouth High School in 1983...went into the military medical field
in the years between 1984 to 1988. Judy had travelled to the area between
Biggar and Perdue, SK for a one week 4-H Exchange program in July, 1982.
Judy stayed at the farm of Bill and Faye Moon and daughter Marilyn.
We had kept in contact for a few years,then her budding career changed
that corresponding to no corresponding. I would like to make contact
again. Please forward information to me at my email address. Thanks.
Date: 11/19/2009
Name: john saulnier
Location: ontario
Comments: i miss the ocean and fresh fish.
Date: 11/21/2009
Name: Bob
Location: Antigonish
Comments: WoW! you've done alot of work bringing this site together...great
Date: 11/21/2009
Name: joseph c surette
Location: irishtown nb
Comments: thank you for posting this site .
Date: 11/21/2009
Name: Steven Stewart
Location: Dartmouth, NS
Comments: I just wanted to thank "Marie" for her wonderful stories
and descriptions of Sand Beach in the 1930s and 1940s. I
spent a lot of time there as a boy in the late 1960s and early 1970s, and
I remember the huge dunes at Sand Beach even then. I had heard that
some of the local men (one in particular who shall remain nameless) trucked
all that sand away for construction projects.
My grandparents lived in Sand Beach and my mother and her brothers grew
up there. My grandparents were Bill and Evelyn Moore, who
lived in the white house on the hill - the last house on the right before
the Kelley's Cove sign. The house is still in the family, and is
now owned by one of my uncles.
Derwood Nickerson and his family lived on the next hill opposite when
I was a boy - I remember he did many odd jobs for my grandmother after
my grandfather died. Billy Cain lived just before my grandparents
- I remember him working the fields with his ox team.
My grandfather once owned much of Sunday Point and grazed cattle and
cut hay there. My grandmother was a school teacher for many years.
She taught at the Sand Beach school (which was near Freddie Bourque's
farm) in the 1940s and at Arcadia school for many years after that. Ken
Poole was her half brother; I always enjoyed visits with Uncle Ken
and Aunt Jane. I don't remember her strawberries, but I do remember
her gooseberries and gooseberry jam.
And I also remember the various "peddlers" that went door-to-door with
their trucks; one in particular, whose name I can't recall, selling mackerel
every summer at 3 for 25¢. I am especially fond of mackerel
(baked in butter and cream) to this day.
Does anyone know if there are pictures of Sand Beach from that era?
All the historical pictures of Yarmouth seem to end at the town line.
A long-time Sand Beach resident, Leonard Cottreau, told me once
that no-one could afford cameras in those days!
Some 40 years later, the spell that was cast on me as a boy is still
strong. I recently purchased a summer property very near the beach
there, and am never happier than when I can wander that shore and enjoy
the incredible, rugged beauty of the place.
Date: 11/22/2009
Name: John Porter
Location: Hebron
Comments: Do hope the site is up and running soon Grew up there and
often think of the village and all the SUPER NICE PEOPLE there
Date: 11/23/2009
Name: Jeanne M.Witbrod
Location: Florida,originally,Chicago,Ill
Comments: I recently met a gentleman from Surette,last name Surette.He
purchased a home in our park,spends the Winter here with his wife.Have
visited Prince Edward Island,where I have a friend,who also winters here.My
mothers family is from the Quebec area..nee Trudell,Angel Guardian near
St. Annes.I'm very interested in this part of the world,and find it fasinating.....
Date: 11/23/2009
Name: basil newell
Location: Prince Rupert b c
Comments: Just love revisiting
Date: 11/24/2009
Name: marie
Location: pei
Comments: Thanks to Steven Stewart for his kind words and for reminding
me of Freddie Burke (Bourque) and Leonard Cottreau whom I also remember
from years gone by. I didn't know the Moore family but do remember Ken
and Jane Poole who lived about three houses down from us. Leonard
Cottreau and I were cousins of some degree --if he was related to Emma
and Lena. My father worked in Customs in Yarmouth so whenever relatives
in the States sent huge white canvas commercial laundry bags solidly filled
with wonderful clothing of every size and description, also sundry trinkets
tossed in as fillers, these came addressed in care of my father, and he
saw that Mamma and our designated cousins received their long-awaited treasures!
Large families and very little money was the norm, but some did have
a camera which would be used only on very special occasions, first Communion,
last day of school and so on.
Freddie Burke used to come up from way down the road to walk to catechism
lessons with us on Sunday afternoons up at St Ambrose. He was a very kind
and gentle and humorous young man in his early teens, much taller than
my brother and me, so I really looked up to him. One wet day while
walking up toward town on the dirt road, I spotted a leather wallet in
a shallow puddle and mentioned it to Freddie. I was seven or eight then,
the wallet was soaked and I didn't want to get dirt on my hands. Freddie
asked me if he could pick it up and I said yes, and if he could have it,
and I said yes, and if he could have anything that might be in it, and
since I liked him so much I said yes, so he opened it and exclaimed ONE
DOLLAR! And I was glad he found a dollar inside because he was so
thoughtful to have asked me first. There was nothing but respect from him
for everybody. He was so friendly and kind to my brother and me, and he
had a much longer distance to walk than we had, to and from church, so
i wanted him to have it.
Finally, those bundles of high quality clothing that were sent "Down
East" from "the States", I have leaned since, came not only to Sand Beach,
not only to Wedgeport and other Yarmouth county villages, but also to all
parts of the Maritime Provinces from relatives working "Across".
Later, when I went over to work for five years, one aunt said to me,
'Now it's your turn to wrap and tie parcels and pay the postage, and was
I ever grateful for the honor of following in the footsteps of these hard
working relatives in the "Boston States".
[Now, I wonder why I suddenly am able to imagine the scent of mothballs?
marie :)
Subject: Mooswa Camp
Date: Sat, 28 Nov 2009 22:00:47 +0000
Hello - would you have any information regarding medals given out?
I have one that has Camp Mooswa for Boys and the Latin phrase
Esse Quam Videri (to be rather than seem to be)with a moose rifle and fishing
rod with a boy paddling a canoe and it shows tents on the shore. On the
back it is engraved Captain and underneath the year 1941. It is sterling
and would have been worn on a chain.
Thank you,
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network
Date: 11/26/2009
Name: Benny Britten
Location: Beaverbank
Date: 12/6/2009
Name: marie
Location: pei
Sand Beach School at Christmas time
in the 1930s
Winters in Sand Beach in
the 1930s were fun for children and challenging for adults. I remember
lots of snow every Christmas. I can remember looking out our front room
window and watching men shovelling banks of snow to break the road open
enough to make it passable. Some men had a car or truck, but not
many. I remember in December of 1940 my brother and I getting a ride from
church in a truck driven by a cousin who lived down Wyman Road. When
we arrived home we were delighted to learn that we had a new little sister!
Date: 11/29/2009
Name: Anne BT
Location: Rockville and N.H.
Comments: I just noticed Marie's posting from PEI. This page does
connect all the Sentimental Journey friends doesn't it. I enjoy taking
pictures and I enjoy sharing them.
I left Yarmouth two days ago and when I get homesick I can come to
this page and have a mini visit. I have been able to connect a few
people with old friends from the postings here. My dear neighbor
seems to remember everyone and knows who married who, etc. This site
really does a great service to those who come to visit, and to those who
left and miss Yarmouth. If you are out and about town, say thanks
to the sponsors. I think this is the best Yarmouth site there is!!!!
you Anne)
I hope all the fishermen have a safe and profitable season.
Date: 12/7/2009
Date: 12/11/2009
Name: lynn maust
Location: Bedford, Pa US a
Comments: Greetings,
My mother and stepfather - Jan and Jim Cullen- lived in Tusket between
1979 thru 1991. The emigrated there in 1979 from Pa. They lived at the
house on the Tusket River that was once used by the customs authority for
ships coming in.
Does anyone at your place know of them? They loved living in Tusket.
Lynn Maust
Date: 12/13/2009
Date: 12/14/2009
Name: Ellen
Location: Richmond VA
Comments: So much for swimming in the Chesapeake Bay near Sandy Point
State Park.
Annapolis MD
While the vessel 'Dawn Raider' out of Marklys Marina in Essex, Md. was
fishing for Striped Bass (also locally known as Rock Fish), this
Great White was hooked in the mouth but only resisted slightly for 15 minutes
before it came up alongside the boat to have a look; long enough for one
of the crew members to slip a rope a round it's tail !!! 'And that's
when things heated up!!
.. The Shark took off towing the 42 foot fishing boat backwards
through the water at about 7 Knots. Just like in JAWS, the boat was taking
on water over the stern and the crew watched in horror as the shark would
actually jump completely out of the water at times. This went on for an
hour before the shark finally drowned. She weighed in at 1035 LBS. It is
suspected she followed a weak El Nino current into local waters in search
of food. Although mid 60 degree water is considered ideal for these
sharks, the larger ones can tolerate water in the low 50s.
Markley's Marina
Essex, MD
Above is Urban Legend based on 2004 Yarmouth Shark Scramble
here for complete story
Dear Godfrey and Mrs LeBlanc,
Just a note to wish you a happy Christmas and good health and happiness
throughout 2010.
The Yarmouth website and the great variety of work you do there gives
joy to so many all year round! A big and hearty thank you to all
the Sponsors!
Through your Yarmouth and Villages website and the whole Rootsweb site,
you manage to touch the hearts and souls of so many --far and wide-- who
need a human touch more than anything.
More than that, you make it possible for all who visit your site to
reach into the hearts and homes of one another, of all who drop by to visit
your guest books and who sign them.
Being in touch with those away who write in, getting to know their voices,
hearing who they are and what memories they hold dear-- all
this helps keep us in touch with our huge family of relatives and friends
around the globe, via the written word. This meeting of hearts --even
via computer-- is so therapeutic!
A great big sincere thank you, Godfrey to you and your sponsors for
all you do for all of us year round.
Best wishes to you and to all your dear ones for the new year, 2010.
Sincerely, Marie
Thank you Marie .... GJ & Family
Date: 12/17/2009
Name: Elizabeth Crosby
Location: Truro N.S.
Date: 12/19/2009
Name: Ron Raynard
Location: Bracebridge Ontario
Comments: Visit Gerald and Pearl Hamilton every time we come to Nova
Scotia, plus my relatives in Pleasant Valley.
Date: 12/24/2009
Name: Doreen Wilson
Location: Port Angeles, WA
Comments: I sure wish we lived there again. I miss the people and area.
Date: 12/25/2009
Name: melvin d. chute
Location: thonotosassa, fl
Comments: Hello:
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Mel Chute-
Date: 12/25/2009
Comments: I cannot seem to view the port maitland guest book, yarmouth
comes on instaed.
( It is the same )
Date: 12/27/2009
Name: John L Porter
Location: Brantford Ontario
Comments: Sure miss the great summers at the cottage on Slones
Lake with Dad > Horace Porter< Wonderful people there
Date: 12/27/2009
Name: John L Porter
Location: Brantford Ontario
Date: 12/29/2009
Name: Corie and Graham Robinson
Location: Chilliwack, BC
Comments: We would love to reconnect with Milby and Valerie Spates,
who we understand live in Wellington. They were good friends of ours in
Williams Lake, BC in th 1980's.
Corie Robinson
Date: 1/1/2010
Name: Megharaj Rajeev K
Location: Mumbai , India
Comments: I would like to join you'll in bringing awareness & preserving
the wildlife. Pls get in touch with me
Date: 1/2/2010
Name: dorinda andrews hamon
Location: raynardton