From: "John Horton" <> Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2011 07:48:25 -0800 Hi John, Just stumbled across this, but I've not had time to read through it - apparently NS govt. released its official "water strategy" on December 16 Thank GOD for the Nova Scotia Clean Water Strategy This glossy professional-looking publication is a Piece of Work.You gotta read it and check out where we, the people of western NS, fit in the scheme of things . Some of the statements made are incredulous, considering the state of pollution that has been thrust on us by vested mink farm interests in Digby county. They don't seem to understand that deliberate provincial government intervention has PREVENTED the cleanup of our rivers, and presently ENABLES these polluters to continue for years into the future. They talk about cleaning up while they pass out million dollar grants for more new mink farms. And they hope to convince Nova Scotians that our waterways are being well cared for. If you are one of those people who believe that our rivers are OK, this document is for you. John Horton From: "John Horton" <> To: "J horton" <> Subject: Mommy.Mommy. Why can't I go swimming? Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2010 05:36:40 -0700 Major Pollution at the Headwaters of Three Major Nova Scotia Rivers? A short amateur video clip shows us the sewer water that
in a public ditch on the Hilltown road.Department of Health authorites
were formally notified of this on July 28th., and responded by
the Department of Environment to investigate as their 'agents'.
youtube video
Freedom of information requests made through their
lawyer by Dr.Allan
and Debbie Hall produced some very interesting reading
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2010 06:34:27 -0700
It's time somebody said this out loud:OUR DEPARTMENT OF
You have to feel sorry for Darrell Dexter.. He inherited this
about a year ago.
Walk a mile in our shoes, Mr. Dexter., and don't slip in that brown runny stuff. John Horton Mink stink Song video debuts on YouTube.... A catchy ditty, Nobody's Listenin' written by John Horton and performed by Chett Buchanan and Family, appeared on YouTube Sunday. The song is a light-hearted poke at the serious situation plaguing Tusket-area homeowners, as offal from up to one million mink appear to be fouling the region's waterways with blue-green algae. From: John Horton <> To: gj leblanc <> Date: Wed, 3 Feb 2010 01:59:10 -0800 From: To: Subject: Mink Farming Pollution Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 15:33:52 -0300 “We have lost touch with our biological and ecological base more than any other civilization in the past. This separation manifests itself in a striking disparity between the development of intellectual power, scientific knowledge and technological skills, on the one hand; and of wisdom, spirituality and ethics on the other.” (The Turning Point, Fritjof Capra) TO: CLARE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL & SIGNIFICANT OTHERS
Dear Members of Clare Municipal Council, The following photos and others I've viewed speak more than a
words, but I am compelled to offer a few more ...
I have, over the past 25 years, been engaged as a volunteer and community partner in many exemplary projects and activities with various organizations and was a founding and long-term member of Enviro-Clare and the Clare Community Health Board. I have also been a member of several provincial and regional organizations where I advanced, with great pride, the unprecedented capacity and strength of the people of Clare. I never counted the hours I gave; but, instead, counted my blessings to be part a community whose values reflected the common good of all. The preamble to the original Clare health plan, submitted in 1997 to the Western Regional Health Board, states that "The Clare Community Health Board recognizes the people of Clare as our single most valuable resource and is committed to building and strengthening partnerships to achieve our goals." This is how we are known by many inside and OUTSIDE of our municipal boundaries. I am sorry to say that Council has not always measured up to that accolade. I can't express how appalled and disappointed I am that this gross pollution situation has been allowed to spread to the extent that is has, or that resources were put in place to enable it to go unchallenged. I expect all levels of government to be accountable, not only for practical decision making but also for ethical leadership and inscrutable example setting. We all settle for far less, to the detriment of our collective well-being and potential to do (and be) better citizens of the world.. Also, there is no logic or rationale for broadcasting the equation that jobs and environmental stewardship are mutually exclusive domains, unable to be reconciled. That statement is both a falsehood and an absurd denial of the basic survival needs of all life. Did we learn nothing from the tin mine, Irving Woodlands or the Digby quarry proponents about the eventual outcome of such blindsided thinking? As a community member, I do not feel proud to be associated with this fiasco and dread that it will lead to hostilities; perhaps even violence. There is no "us and them" here; nor is there any benefit in creating enemies among our neighbours. If we are to survive the possible tough economic times burgeoning on the horizon, we must sustain friendship and remain cooperative with our neighbours--those who share our destiny as dwellers of small rural communities. I know and have great regard for the members of TREPA, some of whom devoted half their lifetime to cleaning up and protecting the Beautiful Tusket River. I am ashamed to face any one of them if I do not include them as equally deserving of consideration in Clare Council's course of action. Please wake up and do the right thing here!! Engage communication with those who are clamoring for solutions and acknowledgment that this is a BIG PROBLEM that isn't going to go away! The cost of dealing with it is only going to keep rising-- as will the level of damage. I recognize the difficulty of doing what's right, but you chose to be where you are and must NOW act accordingly! In closing I would like to share an excerpt from an article I wrote about community process for the Canadian Institute for Health Information: "If there were a measuring rod for the ripple effects of all the acts of kindness and caring that a community and its members bestow on any given day, Clare would be visible way beyond its civic boundaries. And, its people rise as readily to face adversity as they do to celebrate their accomplishments, manifesting the genetic imprint of those whose love of community and will to survive still tell the greatest success story. Vive l’Acadie!" With great respect for my community and ALL its members,
and the
faith that peace with others is both a worthwhile and possible best
See attached pictures (Link)
From: John Horton <>
That's Not Minkstink, ....That's BULLPUCKY In my short lifetime I have witnessed the pollution and eutrophication of a beautiful stretch of river..the west branch of the Tusket, from headwaters in Digby County right out into Lobster Bay . You could drink that water when I was a kid. In the last few years the mink industry has burgeoned ,surpassing one million pelts per season, and most of their effluent drains to our waterways because they simply leave their poop outdoors. Feces and urine lay on the ground and leech away constantly towards waterways of the headwaters .To my knowledge , no polluter has ever been charged . Certainly since whistleblowers started writing in about abuses, no major government announcements have been made. And nothing is about to happen. While large mink farms constantly leach their nutrient/manure/effluent through destructive management practices, most simply have not been willing to protect the public waterways . The Tusket River has become a free natural disposal field that drains and carries away large volumes of their biochemical fallout. It is MAJOR POLLUTION ,yet there are vested interests who would deny this. There are also people who deny global warming. Recently when the Yarmouth Municipal Council voted to set back
controversial "fur Line" to 500 ft.,our Department of Agriculture
lined up to appeal..
You could drink from the Tusket River when I was a kid.
There have been no significant announcements in the media , but here's what is coming. FIXING THE PROBLEM. .....Our Department of
has been given this monumental task, and have laid out a timetable by
voluntary farm management guidelines are being offered to farmers
such as the mink farmers in digby county.
HONEST, I'M NOT KIDDING .and when we ask what our government is going to do about the green slime in the Tusket Toilet, that is the answer: a voluntary manure management guideline program for mink farmers. You could drink that water back then, without the bullshit.
ANGRY OLD MAN says: Mink farms are poisoning my
river and
you don't need any @#$#$%^%^&*degree in Environmental Science
to see it.
Want my prediction for the future of the Tusket River?
On the
hand if government action was forthcoming, you would hear
about it in a media blitz.
I don't get it! What are they hiding, I wonder?
!@#$%^&%^&* MINKSTINK Nov. 1st/09 Businesspeople in a normal world would probably marvel at an
where they would have complete freedom to pollute, with little
for political kickback.
Only a few mink farms drain,collect, and store urine separately,or spend the money on concrete to contain drainage Common practice is that all waste from mink drops to the open earth,where it soaks in, or dissolves into the rainwater .....While manure collection is carried out periodically, little action is taken on overall farm drainage. Effluent simply drains downhill into the nearest
stream,river or lake.
When you tour" Hilltown Heights", I know one spot you
can stand
on a public road and watch as a gray liquid drains out of a
area and runs through a road culvert
Simple Basic Affordable Water Treatment Everyday household septic tank runoff is often
quite clear
, but it is physically saturated with water-soluble nutrients .We
remove these "fertilizing" nitrates and phosphates from
before returning them to nature by dispersing the liquid over a
septic field. This network of perforated plastic pipe is laid out
over an environmentally-friendly
rock and soil medium that allows a completely natural breakdown and
of N,K,and P.
How about mink farms? I seems they have been exempted from the
rules that apply to human waste. Instead ,Mink Farms of Nova
have been using our public waterways for years as
PHEW! Hey, great ! They're on it. John H When will they ever learn?? ... Province: Mink farm meets requirements By BRIAN MEDEL Yarmouth Bureau
[A soggy mink slinks around the ground near Pier 23 in Halifax
in 2003.
Agriculture Department officials are reassuring a citizens committee
a mink farm being built near the Clyde River should not cause problems.
(Tim Krochak / Staff)<BR>]
A mink farm being built near Shelburne County’s Clyde River
should not
bother locals, senior Agriculture Department officials have told a
Some of his committee members were visited by deputy agriculture minister Paul LaFleche and other staffers recently. The government men also inspected the mink ranch under construction. "The farm as it exists now complies with all their
requirements, so
they were prepared to go ahead and grant it a permit to have animals,"
Mr. Keating said the deputy minister told him.
Baseline water tests of Little Goose Creek have been done by
the provincial
Environment and Agriculture departments.
That statement can only mean that water soluble
nutrients wil
be removed from the water would be treated to
the heavy concentrations of nutrients.This costs money and
more than just running the effluent through a series of ponds. ...
I don't believe they intend to do this. And unless they do, this claim
can only be false and intentionally misleading.........John
testing to just the government, the group contacted a graduate
at Dalhousie University who has agreed to conduct independent water
(21345 square miles
5000 sq miles
he Municipality lies in the western part of Yarmouth County in Nova
Scotia. It covers an area of 593.28 sq. kms [396.66 sq. mi.]
4,400 /640 acres in a square mile = 6.98sq miles
Area of Yarmourh ~400/ ~7 = 57 years